Coupling Transformer: Model 4063

The 4063 is an 1800 VA rated coupling transformer with eight individual tap settings covering an impedance range from 1 to 200 Ohms. Used in conjunction with the Model 4062 the tap selection must also be reflected in the tap menu settings of the Injection Unit which also drives the coupling transformer.

SKU: 4063 Category:

The 4063 is an 1800 VA rated coupling transformer with eight
individual tap settings covering an impedance range from
1 to 200 Ohms.
Used in conjunction with the Model 4062 the tap selection must also be reflected in the tap menu settings of the Injection Unit which also drives the coupling transformer.

When the correct tap is chosen the Amplifier will see a large reflected load and it will be able to deliver maximum power.

The unit also comes with all necessary current, voltage and
load sensing circuitry along with 2 fans and a thermal cut-out switch for safe operation over wide temperatures.

Comes with Trolley handle and wheels for ease of transportation.
Only 25kg or 55lbs.

Service Details

Service Duration
Warranty 24 months
Data & Sim First 12 months free
DNS Management First 12 months free