Stationary Test Equipment

Showing 1–12 of 37 results

Meter Test Systems

Automatic Test Systems

To increase the output volume, global meter manufacturers are asking for solutions to modernize their production processes and enhance their efficiency. MTE´s Automatic Test Systems are the answer for a sustainable increase in the output (testing) volume of single- or three-phase meters while improving the productivity.


EMP 1.3

The EMP 1.3 Quick Connection Device is used together with electricity meter test systems, and is recommended for high volume production output.


HT 2010

The HT 2010 wireless hand held terminal is designed for recording meter-specific data at meter test systems.


ICT 1.3-200 A

The ICT 1.3 three-phase Isolation Current Transformer is used on multi position test benches, when three-phase meters with closed links between the current and voltage measuring circuits (C-P links) are to be tested.

Testing of Closed Links

ICT 2.3

The ICT 2.3 three-phase Isolation Current Transformer is used on multi position test benches, when three-phase meters with closed links between the current and voltage measuring circuits (I-P links) are to be tested.



The IMP-IF1 interface adapter is suitable for interfacing MTE reference standards with meters having retransmitting contacts, open-collector transistor outputs or true S0-outputs to allow full testing of meters with these types of outputs interfaces.

Interface between MTE reference standards and meters with ground referenced contacts in the range 50 V … 265 V

Testing of Closed Links


For the testing of multiple single-phase meters with fixed links between the voltage and current path on a test bench galvanic isolation must be provided at each test position. This can be done with isolation transformers for the voltage path or the current path at each position.

Meter Test Systems

Multi Position Test Systems

The individual system components of a MTE meter test system are modularly developed and can be combined in any order for testing of single- and three-phase meters with or without closed I-P links. Test systems are available with fixed meter racks or with moveable trolleys and gantries to fulfill different requirements and increased test capacity.


PRS 600.3

The PRS 600.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Reference Standard of accuracy class 0.02 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 3 current channels. The device is equipped with two 8.4” colours TFT VGA displays based on touch screen operation.

Power Sources

PSI 10 / 120 A

The PSI 10 is a single-phase, computer controlled current source up to 120 A for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.

Power Sources

PSI 10 / 200 A

The PSI 10 / 200 A is a single-phase, computer controlled current source up to 200 A for use in meter test systems and in laboratories.