PWS 3.3

The PWS 3.3 is a combination of a three-phase Portable Working Standard of accuracy class 0.05 or 0.1 and an IEC 61000-4-30 Class A compatible Power Quality Analyzer with 3 voltage and 4 current channels.

SKU: PWS-3.3 Category:
Technical information for PWS 3.3


Auxiliary supply: Power may be taken from the auxiliary supply or the measuring circuit at 46 V … 300 V / 47 … 63 Hz
Power consumption: max. 50 VA
Battery: Life keeping: ³ 15 min
Recharging time: £ 2 h (Load: + 10 VA)
Housing: Hard Plastic
Dimensions: W 307 x H 217 x D 80 mm
(inclusive rubber protection)
Weight: approx. 3.25 kg
Operation temperature: -10 °C … +60 °C
Storage temperature: -20 °C … +60 °C
Relative humidity:  85% at Ta  21°C
 95% at Ta  25°C, 30 days / year spread